by John Bozarjian | Sep 1, 2024 | Blog, Boston Rodent Control, Rodent control
The Problem with Mice Infestations Mice infestations are more common than you might think. These tiny invaders can cause significant damage to your home, contaminate food supplies, and even spread diseases. While it might be tempting to handle the situation on your...
by John Bozarjian | Jan 29, 2021 | Blog, Boston Rodent Control
What’s that noise upstairs? A ghost? Or a mouse? The possibility of the latter is tall because mice love dark, secluded areas. Therefore, they prefer to invade attic spaces as it is a perfect shelter for them. But, how did they manage to get to my attic? Let’s deep...
by John Bozarjian | May 24, 2018 | Blog, Boston Rodent Control, Pest Control, Pest Control
We are officially in the thick of tick season, and if this year follows the normal trend, lyme disease will claim even more casualties this year than it did last year. No matter where you live, it is always a good idea to thoroughly check your skin for ticks upon...
by John Bozarjian | Feb 23, 2017 | Blog, Boston Rodent Control, Pest Control, Rodent control
B&B Pest Control | Rodent Control Boston The city of Paris France is currently being overrun with its worst rodent problem it has experienced in decades! The New York Times published a story about a month ago detailing the increasing rodent problem Paris is...