
B & B Pest Control will update its blog a minimum of once a week with tips on pest prevention and specials!

Common Pests in Homes in the Greater Boston Area

Common Pests in Homes in the Greater Boston Area

Pests can be a significant nuisance and health risk in any home. Knowing which pests are common in your area and how to deal with them is crucial for maintaining a safe and comfortable living environment. This guide highlights some of the most common pests found in...

Tips to Keep Mice Outside Your Home

Tips to Keep Mice Outside Your Home

Mice are cute in cartoons, but no one wants them scurrying around their home. Not only can they cause significant damage, but they also pose health risks. Luckily, with a few proactive measures, you can keep these tiny intruders at bay. 1. Seal Entry Points Mice can...

Tips to Keep Ants Out This Summer with B&B Pest Control

Tips to Keep Ants Out This Summer with B&B Pest Control

Summer is the season for barbecues, beach trips, and unfortunately, ants. These pesky invaders can turn your home into their summer getaway if you're not careful. Luckily, B&B Pest Control is here to help with some expert tips to keep your home ant-free this...

Tips to Avoid Wasps This Summer

Tips to Avoid Wasps This Summer

Summer is a time for relaxation, outdoor gatherings, and enjoying the warm weather. Unfortunately, it's also the season when wasps are most active. These pesky insects can not only ruin your outdoor fun but also pose a significant risk if they decide to build nests...

The Top Benefits of Hiring a Professional Pest Management Company

The Top Benefits of Hiring a Professional Pest Management Company

Dealing with pests is never a pleasant experience. Whether it's ants invading your kitchen, termites chewing through your wooden structures, or rodents causing havoc in your attic, pests can cause significant damage and stress. While some homeowners might attempt DIY...

Common Household Pests and How to Identify Them

Common Household Pests and How to Identify Them

Household pests can be more than just a nuisance; they can pose health risks and cause significant property damage. Knowing how to identify common household pests is the first step in controlling and eliminating them effectively. Below, we outline some of the most...

Tips to Stay Mosquito-Free This Summer: Your Ultimate Guide

Tips to Stay Mosquito-Free This Summer: Your Ultimate Guide

Summer is synonymous with barbecues, pool parties, and outdoor adventures. However, it also brings along uninvited guests—mosquitoes. These tiny pests can quickly turn a pleasant evening into an itchy nightmare. Fortunately, there are numerous effective strategies to...

Common Ant Species in Boston

Common Ant Species in Boston

In Boston, as in many urban and suburban areas, ants are a common feature of the local fauna. These tiny but mighty creatures can be found everywhere from backyards to parks, and unfortunately for some, even within homes. Here's a closer look at some of the most...