
B & B Pest Control has been servicing the North Shore Community for termites for over 30+ years. Our experience and knowledge of termites make us the #1 choice for termite service. We’ve treated over 1,000 properties, commercial and residential, for termites using a proven and successful method.
Think you have termite damage at your home? Need a termite inspection? Selling or buying a home and don’t have any termite reports or proof of service? (781) 599-4317
Service Description:
Prior to treating your property B & B Pest Control will thoroughly inspect and observe the property to see if there are any high levels of activity. All damage and structural problems will be shown and explained to you before and after the service. After the walkthrough B & B will trench land around the property that is grass, mulch and or dirt. All cement, gravel or pavement areas (such as steps and driveway) adjacent to the property will be drilled with 1 inch holes in diameter, spaced out every 12 – 18 inches.
After the perimeter of the property is fully trenched and drilled B & B Pest Control will apply liquid treatment of Termidor. Termidor is the leading termiticide for eliminating and controlling termites. Once Termidor has been successfully applied to all holes and trenches B & B will place back the dirt and or grass that was trenched and secure all holes with rubber corks. A thin layer of cement will be placed over the corks to fully plug the holes. Any furniture and possessions that were moved during treatment will be placed back in their respective positions. The entire treatment service typically takes 3-4 hours to complete.
Pesticides to Be Used for Service: Termidor
Termidor is made from a revolutionary non-repellent or undetectable chemical technology treatment. That means termites cannot see, smell, taste or avoid Termidor. Instead they contact, ingest, and share it with their nest-mates. This is in sharp contrast to older liquid termite controls, which rely on repellent barriers in which termites can finds breaks, or avoid completely. For more information on Termidor you can visit www.termidorhome.com .
B & B Pest Control offers a full warranties on their termite service. If you experience any termite problems or have a termite sighting during the warranty B & B Pest Control will revisit the property and treat accordingly at no extra cost. At the end of the warranty you will have the option to renew the warranty at low rate each year forward and be protected.