You’ve Found A Dead House Mouse – Now What?

You’ve Found A Dead House Mouse – Now What?

Seeing a dead mouse anywhere in the home is a bad omen. First, the dead mouse is a biohazard in and of itself, but more importantly, it signals that there is very likely a large infestation in the home. In this article, we’re going to cover what you have to do if you...
Unconventional Methods To Detect A Mouse Infestation

What Is Mouse Season?

Mice can enter the home at any time of the year, but there is a period when mouse infestations are much more likely. This period is known as mouse season, and in this article, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about it and how to stop it. When is...
Are Mice Nocturnal Or Diurnal?

Are Mice Nocturnal Or Diurnal?

There are many signs that will help you detect if you have a mouse infestation. You may spot their droppings, gnaw marks, trails that they use to travel around the home, and you may also hear them traveling and squeaking through the walls, usually at night. Does this...
You’ve Found A Dead House Mouse – Now What?

Mouse Infestation Warning Signs

Being able to detect a mouse infestation early on is important, because of the damage and the diseases that these rodents can spread. Thankfully, mice leave several signs lying around that can indicate their presence, and in this article, we’re going to cover these...