Why Silverfish Infest Bathrooms

Why Silverfish Infest Bathrooms

Silverfish will infest homes across nearly every continent. They are six-legged insects with a shiny shell that are drawn to basements, sinks, kitchens, and bathrooms. You will usually notice them wriggling around when you turn the light on. Silverfish and the...
How To Control House Centipedes

How To Control House Centipedes

House centipedes are a fairly common pest in the United States, and the word centipede means “one hundred feet.” However, centipedes do not actually have one hundred feet, because they always have an odd number of leg pairs. In this article, we’re going to go over...
How To Control House Centipedes

The Strangeness Of The House Centipede

Imported from countries around the Mediterranean sea, the house centipede likes to settle into the dark, humid corners of our homes. It is a venomous predator species, unlike its close herbivor cousin the millipede, and we usually want to get its population under...