Misconceptions About Wasps

Misconceptions About Wasps

The month of August sees the highest degree of wasp activity. Wasp attacks increase during the final stages of the summer season due to the fact that wasps have finished breeding and are no longer tending to their offspring. Basically, wasps in August have nothing to...
6 Easy Pest Prevention Tips | B&B Pest Control

Ants Enjoy Sugar More If They Work For It

Growing up we were taught the value of a hard day’s work, and that everything in life must be earned through hard work. This may sound like a uniquely human way of thinking about hard work, but humans are not alone with their ideals. Ants also tend to have a...
Armies Of Cockroaches Can Appear Instantly

Armies Of Cockroaches Can Appear Instantly

New York City is a cultured metropolis where many of the world’s most prominent business-people, dignitaries and celebrities call home. The city is also a cockroach paradise where roaches roam the streets freely and without fear as they scavenge for human food waste....