Yellow Jackets 101

Yellow Jackets 101

Yellow jackets are stinging insects that come out in the spring and are most active from early summer to late autumn. They are part of the wasp family, and they live in large colonies, where they birth and rear their young. Having yellow jackets on your property is...
Yellow Jacket Stings

Yellow Jacket Stings

Yellow jackets are a wasp species that have yellow stripes and long dark wings. You may have noticed them when you’re enjoying a meal outdoors. These insects are known for their painful stings, which cause swelling and redness. Let’s take a look at how you can treat...
Preventing Bees and Wasps in Boston: A Guide to Keeping Your Home Safe

Wasps Do’s and Don’ts

As the seasons change, Wasps behave differently. From feeding off on sugars they are suckers for proteins in late summers. At such a time these insects love creating their nests in and around homes as food is readily available. These flying nightmares are aggressive...