Ants And Diseases

Ants And Diseases

Outside of a few species such as fire ants and carpenter ants, we see these insects as mostly harmless. However, most ant species can spread disease, because they often come into contact with spoiled food or waste when they are out foraging. In this article, we’re...
Carpenter Ant Populations In Trees

Carpenter Ant Populations In Trees

Carpenter ants get their name from the fact that they will create their colonies inside of wood. They will usually pick dead or decaying wood, but once inside it, they will spread to healthy parts as well. They are very fast workers, and they will create their colony...
How Ants Invade

How Ants Invade

Ants can invade the home during any season of the year, although most infestations will occur during spring, summer and fall. Most ant species will build their nest outdoors, but they will come into the home to forage for food. If they discover a good, persistent food...
Carpenter Ant Populations In Trees

Where Do Pavement Ants Come From?

Pavement ants are generally overlooked whenever they infest the home because they are so common, but these ants can cause some serious troubles, such as spreading salmonella throughout the home. What are pavement ants? Pavement ants are perhaps the most common pest...
Ant Prevention Tips For Your Home!

Ant Prevention Tips For Your Home!

• Seal cracks and crevices around the home using a silicone-based caulk. • Replace weather-stripping and repair loose mortar around basement foundation and windows. • Ensure downspouts and gutters are functioning properly so that water flows away from the home’s...