The Steps You Need To Take For An Ant-Free Home

The Steps You Need To Take For An Ant-Free Home

Ants are one of the most common household pests, and we’ve all had to deal with them at some point or another. However, there are certain things that you can do to ensure that these insects have no reason to enter the home. Know where ants are most common Ants are...
What Are Ant Traps?

What Are Ant Traps?

Ant infestations can sometimes be tough. A large number of infestations are simply incursions, where a group of workers enter the home to gather food and then they leave. However, there are situations in which you are dealing with a dangerous ant species that needs to...
How Long Do Ants Live? B&B Pest Control

How Long Do Ants Live? B&B Pest Control

Most ants live rough lives. They spend their days toiling – building the colony, gathering food, and taking care of the young. Not only that, but their lives can be very short. The factors that influence the lifespan of an ant There are several factors that will...

Short Guide To The Pharaoh Ant

Pharaoh ants are one of the few ant species that could be considered pests. Most ants are categorized as nuisances, because they do not cause damage to the home or harm its inhabitants. Pharaoh ants on the other hand are known to spread over a dozen diseases,...