by John Bozarjian | May 25, 2021 | Blog, Pest Control, Wasp Control
If you’ve ever seen wasp spray in action, you’ve noticed just how effective it can be. Any wasp that is touched by the spray will drop to the ground dead almost immediately. But why is it that wasp sprays are so effective? Let’s find out! How do these sprays work?...
by John Bozarjian | Apr 30, 2021 | Blog, Pest Control, Wasp Control
When the weather reaches its hottest temperatures during the summer, and particularly in late summer, you may have noticed more bothersome and aggressive yellow jackets ruining your time spent outside. At this time of year yellowjackets seem to become more aggressive...
by John Bozarjian | Mar 28, 2021 | Blog, Wasp Control
As the seasons change, Wasps behave differently. From feeding off on sugars they are suckers for proteins in late summers. At such a time these insects love creating their nests in and around homes as food is readily available. These flying nightmares are aggressive...
by John Bozarjian | Mar 21, 2021 | Blog, Pest Control, Wasp Control
It is easy to get confused between wasps, hornets, and bees when you spot any small flying insect with yellow and black stripes. By virtue of looks, all of them look similar from a distance. However, in reality, they are quite different and unique in characteristics....
by John Bozarjian | Feb 11, 2021 | Blog, Pest Control, Wasp Control
Having a yard can bring many joys and many problems. You can enjoy a barbecue, spend a lazy afternoon on your porch looking out into your yard, and hold get togethers and birthday parties. However, the yard can also be home to numerous pests and nuisances, including...
by John Bozarjian | Dec 17, 2020 | Blog, Pest Control, Wasp Control
European hornets, paper wasps, and other species of stinging insects send over 500,000 people to the hospital every year. However, how can you tell the difference between the different species, especially paper wasps and European hornets? In this article, we’re going...