Summertime in Boston is the epitome of New England charm. From the bustling waterfront to the historic trails, the city truly comes alive under the warm sun. Yet, as Bostonians throw open their windows and doors to welcome the summer breeze, something else often sneaks in – pests. These unwelcome guests can be more than just a nuisance; they can pose real threats to our health, homes, and peace of mind.

In the following exploration, we’ll shine a light on the most persistent summer pests of Boston, uncover their secrets, and arm you with the knowledge to keep them out of your home. Whether you’re a long-time resident or a recent transplant, understanding your adversary is the first step in safeguarding your home against these summer invaders.

Understanding the Pests

The Tick

Lurking in tall grass and on the edges of wooded areas, ticks are a concern for anyone who loves to spend time in Boston’s many green spaces. The black-legged tick, also known as the deer tick, can transmit Lyme disease, a potentially debilitating illness that can affect the heart, joints, and nervous system.

The Ant

Ants, especially the pavement ant and the odorous house ant, are some of the most common intruders in Boston homes. They are drawn indoors in search of food, water, and shelter, and once they find these resources, they alert the colony, and the invasion begins in earnest.

The Fly

Flies might seem benign, but they can quickly spread bacteria and other pathogens, posing a significant health risk. The stable fly and the house fly are prolific breeders, and their ability to quickly adapt to various environments makes them challenging to control once they’ve established a presence.

The Cockroach

Cockroaches, often associated with uncleanliness, can sneak into homes through even the tiniest of cracks. Once inside, they can contaminate food and trigger asthma and allergy symptoms. The German cockroach, in particular, is a highly adaptable species that can develop resistance to many forms of treatment.

Preventing Invasion

Eliminate Standing Water

The first line of defense against mosquitoes is to eliminate any sources of standing water in your yard. This includes birdbaths, clogged gutters, and even the tiniest puddle from a recent rain. By denying mosquitoes their breeding grounds, you can help reduce their numbers significantly.

Landscape Maintenance

Ticks prefer shady, moist environments, so keeping tall grass and brush trimmed around your home is essential. Avoid creating woodpiles or leaving debris that can serve as a habitat for ticks and their hosts, like mice and deer.

Seal Entry Points

Ants, flies, and cockroaches all share a common entry point into your home – wherever they can find a gap or crack. Regularly inspect and seal up these entryways to keep them from taking advantage of your hospitality.


Keeping your space clean and free of crumbs is an effective way to deter pests. Wipe down counters, store food properly, and take out the trash regularly to remove the attractants that draw pests into your home.

Integrated Pest Management

In serious cases or for those who desire a more comprehensive solution, integrated pest management (IPM) is a sustainable approach that combines biological, cultural, mechanical, and chemical tools to manage pests effectively.

Biological Controls

Introducing natural predators or parasites that feed on specific pests can help keep their populations in check. This can include using nematodes for controlling ants and flies, or encouraging bird populations that feed on insects.

Cultural Controls

These are practices that make your environment less conducive to pest activity. For example, avoiding over-watering plants to prevent standing water that mosquitoes need for breeding.

Mechanical Controls

These are physical methods of pest control, such as fly screens, traps, and sealing entry points. Using mechanical controls reduces the need for chemical remedies and helps maintain a living environment less hospitable to pests.

Chemical Controls

When necessary, pesticides and repellents can be used in a targeted manner to manage pest populations. It’s important to follow the label instructions carefully and consider less toxic alternatives when possible.

Act Swiftly and Responsibly

When faced with a pest invasion, the swift and appropriate response is crucial. Ignoring the problem can lead to an infestation that’s much harder to manage.

Home Remedies

At-home solutions can be effective for small infestations. For example, diatomaceous earth is a non-toxic substance that can be sprinkled in areas where ants, cockroaches, or other pests are active.

Professional Assistance

In many cases, seeking the help of a professional pest control service is the most effective and least stressful option. Professionals have the training and access to a wider array of control methods to deal with pests safely and effectively.

In conclusion, while the pests of Boston summer can be persistent, they are not unbeatable. By understanding their habits and taking proactive measures, you can enjoy the season without the unwelcome intrusion of these creatures. Remember, a harmonious coexistence with nature doesn’t mean sharing your living space with it.

For more personalized guidance or immediate assistance, B&B Pest Control  stands ready to help you reclaim your home from the unseen summer guests. With over 37 years of experience serving the greater Boston area, we understand the unique challenges of local pest management. Reach out to us and take the first step to a pest-free sanctuary this summer.