Some insect pests invade homes to seek shelter in response to extreme weather conditions, others invade homes to seek out food. In the former case, Asian lady beetles, brown marmorated stink bugs and cluster flies all invade Massachusetts homes frequently during the fall in order to secure shelter from the cold. In the latter case, eastern subterranean termites, and powderpost beetle larvae eat structural wood within homes, while numerous ant species invade homes to feed on human food sources. However, many insects species are common house pests solely because they are attracted to artificial lighting within homes. Most insect house pests that are attracted to indoor lights are nothing more than a nuisance. Just about everyone has become annoyed with moths and flies that hover around light bulbs, and several dead insects are typically found in light fixtures every time a bulb is replaced. While moths and flies are common insect house pests that are attracted to indoor lights, many other little-known insect species commonly infest homes only for this reason.
Leafhoppers are a diverse group of insects on residential lawns, and they are generally known as garden pests due to their habit of consuming valued vegetation and their ability to spread plant diseases. As it happens, leafhoppers are attracted to indoor lights, and their ability to hop and fly allows them to access homes. Luckily, leafhoppers cannot survive long indoors unless they secure a regular source of food and water. Caddisfly larvae develop in natural bodies of water, while winged adults are among the most common insect pests that invade homes due to their attraction to indoor lights. Homes located near bodies of water are especially prone to caddisfly invasions. Scarab beetles and weevils are common plant pests in residential yards, but these insects are also lured into homes by indoor lights. Unlike scarab beetles, many weevil species invade homes in order to feed on stored food products, making them common pantry pests.
Do you usually find a variety of insect species in light fixtures while changing out light bulbs?