House mice are not indigenous pests in the United States. Rather, they came from central Asia and are currently known to live in various spaces near humans. They form nests where there is access to a steady supply of food. House mice are highly adaptable and will eat almost any type of food available for them, and they can survive with little or no water.
What Do They Look Like?
Size: An adult house mouse can grow up to 20 centimeters from the tip of the tail to the nose. They weigh between 12-30 grams.
Body: House mice have hair on their tails and ears, although significantly less than their bodies.
Color: A house mouse is covered in light brown short hair. Some are gray to black with lighter bellies.
Droppings: Feces are jagged on both ends and rod-shaped.
How do House Mice get Into Your Home?
A house mouse can use even spaces as small as 1/4 inch to gain entry into your home. They look for shelter inside your home to avoid predators or harsh weather conditions and to seek food sources. Messy basements and attics provide exceptional hiding places for house mice to reproduce and build nests, while dirty utensils and exposed food store goods provide food sources. Voids underneath cabinets and wall spaces are also excellent places for house mice to live.
How Serious are Mice Infestations?
Since house mice can thrive under various conditions, are cautious, and are very secretive, they are challenging to control. The rodent pests rarely bite people, but their presence can be dangerous to human health.
Their urine and droppings contaminate water and food. If the mice population is not controlled, the pests can cause contamination issues in areas where they create their nests.
How Do You Get Rid of House Mice?
Almost all mice problems need the application of Integrated Pest Management. Thus, the initial thing to ensuring effective mice control is the proper identification of the specific mouse. The pest control professional should then develop an effective and efficient treatment plan for the exact species.
Depending on your particular situation, your pest control professional might use both chemical and nonchemical control methods.
Some effective control techniques your pest control professional might recommend include:
- Baits – Your professional can choose to use poison rodent baits that are designed to kill mice.
- Traps – Most of the time, your treatment plan includes using mechanical devices such as traps to kill mice.
- Sanitation – You should use both outside and inside sanitation measures to minimize food and shelter that attracts and sustains the mice population.
- Exclusion – Shutting entry sites prevents mice from entering your home.
Never delay when you notice signs of mice infestation. A few mice can become a big infestation within a short time if you procrastinate. When your home already has an active infestation, prevention measures will be ineffective. The best option is to have a pest control professional do the job for you. That can help prevent adverse effects associated with rodent control chemicals and the mouse’s proper identification.