Have you ever noticed that when you are outside while there is even a slight breeze in the air, you don’t seem to get harassed by as many pests like mosquitoes and flies? The use of air currents to help control insect pests such as flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches is usually overlooked when people are considering different methods of pest management. The lack of research into its effectiveness certainly leaves much to be desired and prevents people from learning about this rather useful technique. Not only does using air currents help reduce the population of insect pests such as flies on its own, but it also enhances the effectiveness of other pest management products and methods.
Essentially, what makes air currents an effective pest control tool is the energy flying insects require to use their flight muscles is quite a lot and they need a lot of nutrients to keep those muscles working. Flying in any kind of wind or air current consumes a great deal more of that energy and nutrients, which is why most flying insects will find a harborage to avoid wind and air currents. While there have not been many studies on the effects of air current on mosquitoes and flies, there have been a few studies that delved into its successful use to control cockroaches. They found that air currents are quite effective at repelling cockroaches from an area in order to prevent and control infestations. The key in the case of cockroaches is that the air current must be the same velocity as or greater than one meter per second. While a simple fan can do the trick, more sophisticated tools will likely be created in the near future that direct air currents in sustained pulses toward areas where pests already do or could congregate, and larger systems designed to blow steady air currents into wall voids, kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets, and other possible hidden harborages have already been suggested. One major hotel that had serious issues with fruit flies successfully used and are still using air currents throughout the building to handle the pests.
The best way to utilize air currents is by using them in conjunction with other pest control methods, using the integrated pest management (IPM) method. When placed correctly, you can use fans to repel insects from certain areas, as well as channeling flying insects toward bait stations, fruit fly traps, insect light traps, and other pest control devices. Having fans running can also help dry up and eliminate possible breeding sites, keeping the females from laying eggs and continuing the otherwise endless life cycle of flies and mosquitoes. This also reduces the level of humidity in a home, which also keeps insect pests from wanting to settle into your home.
Have you ever used a fan or air currents to control insect pests?