Not long ago, researchers from North Carolina conducted a study concerning the abundance and diversity of arthropod species that maintain a year round presence within America’s homes. The results showed that no matter the geographical region of a home, all Americans unknowingly share their homes with numerous insect and arachnid species. Even if you live within immaculate conditions, your home certainly contains several species of insect and arachnid squatters that take care to remain out of your sight. Luckily, most of these species are not pests; instead, the bugs that regularly dwell within homes have become accustomed to thriving within an indoor habitat. These species are largely benign and remain unnoticed. However, it is not uncommon for homes of all types to contain certain unwanted insect pests that tend to remain hidden beneath kitchen appliances and beneath furniture. For example, roaches, bed bugs, stink bugs, and ants often maintain a presence within obscured areas of a home. With the exception of bed bugs, which are typically noticed by homeowners once an infestation becomes established, these insects can successfully hide from a home’s occupants all year round.
The progressively colder climate during the fall and winter in the northeast can prompt insect pest species of all sorts to invade homes where they may secure a safe habitat until the arrival of spring allows them to return outdoors. Cockroaches are one of the most common insect groups known to overwinter in obscured areas within homes. These unsanitary insects are especially common behind stoves, refrigerators and dishwashers where food waste and moisture has collected. This is why going to the trouble of moving your appliances for routine deep-cleaning is highly recommended by pest control professionals. Carpenter ant species are known for establishing a presence within homes in order to overwinter. These ants are known for infesting moist structural wood, but they can also infest soft structural materials, such as foam plastic insulation board. Carpenter ants can usually find sufficient nourishment in cellars and basements, and they are also attracted to certain human food sources. Perhaps most alarming to Massachusetts residents are the thousands of brown marmorated stink bugs that researchers have recently found inhabiting a structure during the winter season. The indoor stink bugs maintained a presence behind walls during particularly cold winter days, but migrated into living areas once temperatures began to increase during the early spring. In all, researchers found more than 26,000 stink bugs within the home over the 181 day period.
Have you ever discovered an insect presence that had remained hidden from your sight behind furniture or appliances?