A person’s home is the one place where the pleasure of complete privacy can be enjoyed to its fullest extent. Unfortunately, financial circumstances sometimes make roomates necessary. In such cases, a person’s personal bubble often becomes limited to their bedroom, as all other areas of a home must be shared with a roommate. When having a roommate is a necessity, most people prefer to share their living space with a good friend, but sometimes roommates can only be found by placing Craigslist or newspaper postings. This was the case with one girl and her friend, both of whom invited a stranger into their home after the monthly rent became too high for the two to pay themselves. Unfortunately, as it so often happens, this roommate turned out to be an unsanitary type who did not consider cleanliness to be a virtue. More specifically, this new roommate’s filthy habits led to a massive cockroach infestation. The insect inhabitants became so numerous that the two girls soon became bombarded with winged roaches that flew toward their faces.
The two original female tenants, one of whom goes by the Facebook username Micho, had been living with their strange roommate (going by Belle for privacy reasons) for a year and a half before they realized that she had been attracting cockroaches by leaving garbage and uneaten food within her living area for several months. Micho and her friend had been living downstairs and had very little contact with Belle, who had been living upstairs. But the two girls did notice early on that Micho had a bit of a hygiene issue. Initially, Micho and her friend dismissed a few cockroach sightings as normal considering that it had been raining frequently and some food was left in their sink on occasion. However, during the next several months, the two girls found more and more roaches until eventually realizing that they had been coming from Belle’s upstairs living area. After a year and a half of living together as a trio, Belle suddenly packed a few of her things and took off. In response to an encounter with a cockroach that flew into her face, Micho decided to take a peak at Belle’s room, and she could not believe her eyes. Belle’s room looked like an enomrous dumpster as it contained uneaten food and dog feces, as well as numerous cockroaches that had clearly been breeding within the room. Luckily, Micho is moving out soon and the home has recently been fumigated, but she posted her experience to Facebook as a warning to others who need, or may need roomates. The story has since gone viral.
Have you ever lived within an insect infested house as a result of a roommates dirty habits?