Who doesn’t love chocolate? When it comes to candy people have various tastes, but chocolate is universally addictive. We are now into the the month of November, and Halloween has officially ended, but many people still have their minds set on chocolate candy, but not in a good way. One particular piece of chocolate candy is giving many people the creeps, as a video showing a particularly creepy candy has gone viral. Now, when it comes to Halloween, getting spooked or creeped out is perfectly normal. It is just that time of year when scaring complete strangers is socially acceptable. But receiving free candy is a very different aspect of Halloween festivities. It goes without saying that nobody should become freaked out by the candy they eat during Halloween. However, this year’s Halloween was a bit different for one woman. A chocolate manufacturer, Ferrero-Rocher, either pulled a bad Halloween prank or made a very big mistake. A video has gone viral showing a piece of Ferrero-Rocher chocolate with a creepy worm-like insect slowly squirming within the chocolate candy’s gooey center.
Initially this disgusting incident may seem like the result of unclean conditions during the chocolate’s manufacturing process. After all, food of all sorts occasionally contains bugs. However, the piece of disgusting chocolate that was featured in the video was only one piece out of a box containing several identical pieces. It turned out that every piece of chocolate that was in the box contained similar creepy-crawlies. It is hard to believe that the chocolates became contaminated accidently since every single piece was contaminated with an insect. Maybe the manufacturer pulled a very ill-conceived Halloween prank.
After the video featuring the bug-infested chocolate was posted on Facebook. Ferrero-Rocher received many phone calls. Representatives with the company were asked if the insect was real. The company came clean and admitted that the creatures were real. The company issued a statement claiming that the insect presence resulted from storage issues, but the company was not responsible. An entomologist with the Smithsonian Institute backed up the company’s claim by saying that such insect-related issues occur as a result of particular storage methods after products leave a manufacturer. Although the bugs looked like maggots, the entomologist claimed that they were instead quite likely Indian meal moths. The woman who bought the compromised chocolates was given a twenty five dollar gift card so that she could buy more. What a thoughtful gesture! However, the woman will probably never want to eat a piece of chocolate again.