In the city of Chicago many of the city’s garbage cans are being destroyed by hungry rodents every night. City officials such as the Chicago Alderman and Streets, and Sanitation departments have been trying to come up with a cost-effective method to stop hits but have not been able to so far.

The Streets and Sanitation Commissioner Charles Williams when asked about the issue said that over 37% of the city’s 1.1 million trash cans have been destroyed, or damaged by the cities rodent problem over the last 5 years.

The city currently is in the process for repairing those cans that were damaged by rodents feeding on them, but the repairs are expensive and time consuming. Chicago’s Alderman Howard Brookins Jr. had this to say about fixing the issue “I would like the commissioner, when they do another request for proposals for garbage cans, to see if we can get the manufacturer of the existing cans to come up with some type of mesh that is baked inside.” Brookins went on to say this might be expensive in the short run but the cost would be well worth it in the long run. Chicago is still trying to figure out if this is the best plan of action to solve the problem or which idea would be better suited to solve this problem. The city is currently fielding all suggestions to solve the plan. If you would like to read the full story or watch Chicago’s CBS video detailing the issue click the link below.

It is important to understand if you suspect you have a rodent problem to act fast. Rodents reproduce quickly and an infestation can happen very extremely fast. If you suspect you have a rodent problem contact a licensed pest professional like B&B Pest Control before it becomes worse.

If you or someone you know is dealing with rodents or any other pests in the great Boston area contact B&B Pest Control today! See why for over 30 years so many in the greater Boston area have chosen B&B when they have a pest problem for their home, or business. Contact us today and find out the B&B difference for yourself!




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