Above is a chart that the City of Boston provides to the Boston Globe regarding bed bug complaints in the city (picture courtesy Matt Rocheleau/Globe Staff / City of Boston Data). These are just the complaints the city receives. This doesn’t include the thousands of calls to landlords and pest control companies regarding bed bugs.
Why is this time of year considering “prime” bed bug season? Well, there are several factors. First, this is the time of year that students move into their homes and dorm rooms for college. Students are traveling in from all parts of the country and world to Boston to attend school. Because so much furniture and belongings are being moved in, to shared spaces, for days at a time, bed bugs are being moved to new areas at an incredible rate. On top of the all the moving that is taking place the temperatures are also at a level that is peak breeding temp for bed bugs. So, bed bugs are procreating a greater speed and since it is the busiest move-in time of the year they bed bug calls are at their highest.
If you are not familiar with bed bugs you can learn more in our Bed Bugs 101
section of the website.
Think you may have bed bugs? Call 617-921-9837 or email info@bbpest.com today to schedule an inspection or consultation.